CAD Junior badge via Tinkercad
I can create components in a CAD package
I can use geometric axes and planes to create 3D components
I can create components that can be combined with to other components
I can copy/paste, align, edit and re-edit components in ways to achieve a required form, measurement or relationship
I can test and refine components for a specific purpose
I can use measurements of a real and virtuals components including distances to other parts
I can present formal plans, sections or elevations of a component
I can use secondary software to explore designs, including calculating part volume and manufacturing timeÂ
I can make a component using a 3D printer or laser cutter, and test the outcome
Wider context
I can navigate a virtual environment and explain some of the features of one another person e.g. a work plane
I can explain how CAD can help a Designer or Engineer and some of the limitations of CAD.
Example challenges
Design a single part product in Tinkercade.g. a fidget spinner like this that meets a number of technical requirements or Webcam Cover-Up Lego brick. This part can be 3D printed or laser cut by exporting the design.
Course Materials
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4